Do you feeling uneasy with your longest blog URL like as it is so long & there is an unexpected extension with
so,you are often thinking about purchasing a custom domain like to shorten and beautify you blog URL.though you have to pay 10$ for it many people will like to do this.
But,what about the excuses like those crawling in your mind????
1. Dude I don't have the money to spend on a Custom Domain. I am happy with the free one that I already have.
2.I will think about buying a Custom Domain after I start getting some traffic and loyal readers for my blog.
3.I am not sure whether I will be writing on this blog after 6 months. So why waste the money on a domain name.
so,what can you do now.searching for a free one?
I will now tell you about a superb site.It is . Its a website which offers best thing about is that they don't charge you for the domain names nor do they put their ads on your blogs. The domain name completely belongs to you.
All you have to do just visit the website , create an account there and you get domains for FREE!
sing in to your account and select the option of manage domain.there fill a form and make your Blogs URL forwarding.then set up.
now your name will redirect to your blog name.
Don't have a blog?No problem.Just read
For every account you can use 2 domains for free. However if you donate money to the site, then you can create 100 more domains.With these free domain from Co.CC you will get the pretty domain name.So your blog address will look like instead of Isn't it great?
get a free .info domain
so why late.just check bellow......